Substack Reads

I’ve picked up some interesting reads recently from Substack.  A Midwest Doctor who writes about The Forgotten Side of Medicine, and another called Unbekoming, and it looks like it’s an Australian or New Zealand doctor with lots of stuff as well.

I know, most folks by now have understood there’s been a total corporate take over of medicine and the practice of it and not for the better.  Seems the pharmaceutical corporations are in charge, and there are dictated protocols now for treating things, without much real diagnosis going on at all.  It’s just wrong.  I’m old, and I know my body.  The doc I see may never know it.  Just what the corporate elites tell him to do with it.  I don’t like that, and am now only reluctantly going to the doctor at all.  Have quit almost all my prescribed medications, and most of the supplements as well.  And I feel better.